
Moth (2016)

Remember Mothman Prophecies with Richard Gere and Laura Linney? it’s not bad actually and has a decent claim to it’s ‘based on actual events’ thing as the Mothman has one of the stronger followings on supernatural beings and is not entirely explainable, for instance, Bigfoot could be real or he could be a bear on it’s hindlegs and Nessie could be a huge sea snake thing and probably was real at some point…yes some guys faked some pics but she could/ve been real, I have faked several orgasms but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had real ones…anyway, I digress.

Moth man is often thought to be a guardian of sorts or a herald where he appears to warn you of bad things to come and he may well do so in this.

London based Ukranian university lecturer, Thora and her Swedish forensic-investigator-in-training student, Adam leave London and go to the absolutely beautiful looking Hungary as there’s been a whopping 22 reported sightings off a Mothman there.

They boarding house they’re staying at is near deserted but Adam is woken at night by someone knocking on the bedroom door, they find a bunch of abandoned cars covered in a sandy residue, the other hotel they were supposed to stay at is an an abandoned wreck, their tent disappears from the car then reappears in the woods they are stranded by along with a disembodied hand and a slashed up body

It has a rather good twist at the end which isn’t spelled out early although on a re-watch you see it more.

People really hated this and found it boring as well as finding Adam dour but if they’d paid attention he explains why he is less than perky. This film is good, not boring and just takes it’s time.