
The Cutting Room/Media Studies (2015)

The found footage gods arrive once again to bless me with one of their movies, this one has an interesting opening that reminds me of things like Wrong Turn, eg expo by opening, a young girl is chained to a table and is being mutilated by a man in a gas mask crossed with a gimp mask and a song with lyrics that go “I’m in the mood for food” plays so intentions seem pretty clear on the theme here.

We then follow Media Studies Uni student Raz, a stupidly named and decently acted caricature of that guy in your life invariably called Sam or Luke or Ben who goes to Spoons, says Bants unironically, thinks trainers make a personality barometer and will end up living in a new build by Persimmon with a nail technician named Emma or Steph and going to his job in marketing.

We follow Raz through Uni as he goes to nab the ‘better’ camera from his girlfriend Charlie, a loud, grumpy girl who will probably end up in civil service or managing New Look and her friend Jess, a normal girl who has an older sister in journalism and would probably end up a teacher or working in childcare.

Apparently his filming needs are greater than his Charlie and Jess who are filming some other students ‘just’ dancing.

Ugh, here’s hoping to a slow and painful death for him.

They decide their end of year project they’re all working on together shall be on cyberbullying and their lecturer suggests that they cover the local story of a girl named Rosy Clarke, who was being cyberbullied and ran away, the picture in the news would seem to say that Rosy is the girl from the opening, oh dear, he also is very, very insistent on ‘behind the scenes footage in the vein of DVD extras, commentary and the like.

Through various leads they end up in an abandoned barracks convinced local drug addict and alleged groomer, Seth, kidnapped Rosy as well as the recently missing Clara Jenkins.

Pros– Acting is good for found footage

Location choices are very good and appropriate

Characterization is really above what you normally get in these

Climax is suitably shocking

Nice twist

Good gore

Cons– Not for anyone not into found footage

Script is realistic but may annoy people

Characterizing moshers as drug addicts, yeah that kind of got Sophie Lancaster killed you jerks

Shut up Raz, you annoying fool

Genuinely couldn’t tell what happened at parts from the shaky cam

Some variation of the tunnel scenes would’ve been welcome

Needs more on the ending because mystery is fine but plot holes are not

Not earth shattering but not anywhere NEAR worthy of the absolute roasting it got on IMDb. A fine addition to the found footage genre except for making the druggies be moshers. Come on now, that cliche’s gotten actual moshers killed.